Welcome to the “Ukrainian Cultural Center in Sweden”!

We were formed in accordance with the needs and initiatives of Ukrainian refugees who came to Sweden because of the war in Ukraine. Thanks to the successful cooperation with various Swedish citizens and partners, we confidently step forward in our common goal

The the purpose  is to work as much as possible with common goals for all Ukrainians. We want to save and use our culture, language, customs, and get a better integration in a new country – Sweden

“Ukrainian Cultural Center in Sweden” has already held many large-scale and useful events

 We focus on all Ukrainians without exception, whether they are children, teenagers or adults

You will be able to see information about our projects as soon as the new site is ready. We are in the process

Until then, you can contact us via email: info@ukrainskakc.se or contact us by phone (+46)073 670 38 97

Thank you and take care of each other!